Visa and Permit centre Kimberley for Northern Cape! VFS Visa Facilitation Service centers open in Kimberley. South Africa opens modern Vfs’ visa facilitation centers in Northern Cape! New Zimbabwean permits announced by South Africa and ZSP applications will also be dealt in Vfs global offices. VFS Visa Facilitation Service centre is now…
Visa and Permit centre Bloemfontein for Free State! VFS GLOBAL Visa and Permit centre Bloemfontein for Free State! VFS Visa Facilitation Service centers open in Bloemfontein. South Africa opens modern Vfs visa facilitation centers in Free State! New Zimbabwean permits announced by South Africa and ZSP applications will also be dealt in Vfs global offices.…
Visa Permit centre George – Western Cape VFS Visa Facilitation Service centers open in George. South Africa opens fresh Vfs’ visa facilitation centers for Western Cape! New Zimbabwean permits announced by South Africa and ZSP applications will also be dealt in Vfs global offices. George is a city in South Africa’s Western Cape Province.…
Visa and Permit centre Port Elizabeth – Eastern Cape VFS Visa Facilitation Service centers open in Port Elizabeth. South Africa opens modern Vfs visa facilitation centers in Eastern Cape! brand new Zimbabwean permits announced by South Africa and ZSP applications will also be dealt in Vfs global offices. VFS Visa Facilitation Service…
Visa and Permit centre Nelspruit – Mpumalanga VFS Visa Facilitation Service centers open in Nelspruit. South Africa opens modern Vfs visa facilitation centers in Mpumalanga! New Zimbabwean permits announced by South Africa and ZSP applications will also be dealt in Vfs global offices. Nelspruit – Mpumalanga Nelspruit is a city in…
VFS global Visa and Permit centre Johannesburg – Gauteng VFS Visa Facilitation Service centre is now open in Johannesburg for Gauteng; South Africa opens new Vfs’ visa facilitation centers! New Zimbabwean permits announced by South Africa and ZSP applications will also be dealt in Vfs global offices. Home Affairs Minister is happy Home Affairs…
VFS Home Affairs South Africa Official Home Affairs announcement of partnership between South Africa Department of Home Affairs with the VFS GLOBAL came to us in these words which we are quoting here: “Department of Home Affairs is pleased to announce the opening of Visa & Permit Facilitation Centres in 9 provinces and 11…
Modern Zimbabwean permits announced South Africa “>>”>> New Zimbabwean permits zsp is online Johannesburg – Home Affairs Minister Malusi Gigaba has introduced the details of the newest Zimbabwean Special Dispensation Permit (ZSP). Detailing the facts of the ZSP in a media briefing in Pretoria, the Minister said this marked the beginning of a…
New Zimbabwean permits announced South Africa issues New Zimbabwean permits! Home Affairs announces new permits for Zimbabweans in SA! JOHANNESBURG (2017-2018) – The Home Affairs Department has announced a new permit for documented Zimbabweans in South Africa. The permit, named the Zimbabwean Exemption Permit, will allow Zimbabweans to stay in the country for…
Zimbabwean nationals travelling on expired “DZP” or New ZSP This Question is asked to us time and again that Does DZP Visa holder or ZSP permit holder can travel? Simple answer is yes! As per Home affairs South Africa policy – It is clearly mentioned for EXPIRED “DZP” PERMITS: Zimbabwean nationals traveling on expired…