Immigration Act South Africa 5 (2)

Immigration Act South Africa<span class="rmp-archive-results-widget "><i class=" rmp-icon rmp-icon--ratings rmp-icon--star rmp-icon--full-highlight"></i><i class=" rmp-icon rmp-icon--ratings rmp-icon--star rmp-icon--full-highlight"></i><i class=" rmp-icon rmp-icon--ratings rmp-icon--star rmp-icon--full-highlight"></i><i class=" rmp-icon rmp-icon--ratings rmp-icon--star rmp-icon--full-highlight"></i><i class=" rmp-icon rmp-icon--ratings rmp-icon--star rmp-icon--full-highlight"></i> <span>5 (2)</span></span>
Immigration Act of South Africa – This is the current version and applies as from 26 May 2014, i.e. the date of commencement of the Immigration Amendment Act 3 of 2007 and the Immigration Amendment Act 13 of 2011 – to date.   Immigration to South Africa You’ve made a decision to immigrate to South…